Summer Safe with Multiple Farming Options
An opportunity to purchase a summer safe property with multiple farming opportunities and a good balance of flats, gentle rolling and some medium steeper country.
This block has been faithfully farmed as part of a larger land holding, predominantly used as a spring finishing and a summer/autumn grazing block for their sheep, beef and dairy grazing operation.
Well subdivided and plenty of shelter around the property, while also allowing plenty of opportunity to further develop and subdivide for more intensive farming.
With two separate titles, elevated and attractive building sites, this bare-land property is an opportunity to consider, whether it be your first farm, up-sizing, downsizing or an add on to an existing operation.
2023 nutrient summary report has maximum N loss of 18 kgN/ha/year, permitted land use as either sheep, beef, dairy support grazing or arable 2, with up to 24 ha of intensive winter crop permitted.
Well located, within an easy drive of Christchurch and the international airport.