Then this 7.4 hectares of land could well be it. It is only six kilometres from the little Paparoa settlement. It has tarseal road to your gate and also on the same road to Whangarei if your working. The contour of the block is rolling to hill but has some awesome views and a few spots that you could add your future home, or tiny home and or caravan. The land is clean and fertile and has good access off the Paparoa-Oakleigh Road.
Some of the fencing needs attention and room to add in more paddocks if you want. One part is lovely and sheltered. No water on the block. Power is running along the road and your own investigation would need to be done to see if you can connect to this or just go off the grid. Plenty of options.
The small settlement at Paparoa has a farmers' market at the weekends, and not far to go out to Pahi for fishing.
Priced to sell
Asking $250,000
Incl GST (if any)