Prime Dunedin Investment

North Dunedin


  • Property IDDUN37468
  • Property TypeHotel/Motel/Leisure to Buy
  • PriceSold
  • Floor Area670m2 more or less
  • Land Area1518 m²
ALLAN COURT MOTEL, 590 George Street, Dunedin - Freehold Land and Buildings
Complex has 18 Superior units, kept to a very high standard. The lease is registered for 23 years with two yearly rent reviews. Lessee is responsible for all outgoings.

The tourism market has bounced back beyond 2018/2019 turnover figures and Dunedin's' future predictions are excellent, Dunedin has historically the highest stable occupancy of the South Island.

This is a unique investment with the Lessee responsible to keep the property exterior and interiors in immaculate condition.

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