Larger Lifestyle Plus Location

255 Riccarton Road West, Mosgiel


  • Property IDDUN40223
  • Property TypeLifestyle with Dwelling
  • Price$1.429M Plus GST (if any)
  • Land Area14.57 hectares (36 Acres)

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Looking for North Taieri lifestyle location and small farm capability? We proudly present this unique lifestyle opportunity right on the outskirts of Mosgiel and Dunedin City.

Featuring 14.56 hectares of productive Taieri soils, coupled with facilities often only found on larger properties, plus a privately situated four-bedroom, two-level family home. You'd be surprised to find this package is little more than 3km to Mosgiel's shopping centre.

With 11 well fenced paddocks, excellent shelter, and plenty of stock water supply, - you choose what stock you keep.

And for the horse lover, there's a great opportunity with the stables area and professionally installed 60m x 20m arena ready to be utilised.

This represents a great opportunity in terms of proximity to the city and genuine capability compared to a traditional lifestyle property and is well worth inspection by the buyer looking for that bit more.
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Please note: Land and floor area measurements are approximate, and boundary lines indicative only. Reasonable efforts have been made to source information from reputable sources. We do not, however, warrant its accuracy or fitness for any purpose. Purchasers should independently verify information through a due diligence investigation if it is relevant to their decision to purchase.

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Paul Urquhart

Paul Urquhart

Rural & Lifestyle Sale Consultant

Paul Thomson

Paul Thomson

Rural & Lifestyle Sales Consultant

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