Grazing Block near Popotunoa

Wairuna Settlement Road, Popotunoa

Deadline Sale - 12.00pm, 7 March 2025 (Unless Sold Prior)

  • Property IDDUN41033
  • Property TypeBareland
  • PriceDeadline Private Treaty Plus GST (if any)
  • Land Area121.62 hectares (300.54 Acres)

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Deadline sale details

Deadline Sale - 12.00pm, 7 March 2025 (Unless Sold Prior)

This is a well located property in the reliable Popotunoa area of South Otago. The rolling contour has good broad tops running to gullies. It is estimated there is approximately 100 hectares of cultivatable land with the rest in fenced off gullies. The property runs from Pomahaka Downs Road down to the Wairuna Stream with an altitude of 50 to 150 MASL.

The property has been leased for the past ten years when it has been used as dairy run off and dairy support unit so there is an established dairy grazing record.

The stock water for the property is a private scheme from a dam on the property which is pumped up to tanks on the high point of the property by a solar system which has a generator back up.
Subdivision is into 10 paddocks with troughs in the paddocks.

The sale of this block gives the opportunity for Purchasers to secure an established dairy grazing block. Alternative uses could be livestock breeding or finishing.

**Deadline Private Treaty**
Closes 12.00pm, Friday 7 March. (unless sold prior), Plus GST (if any)
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Please note: Land and floor area measurements are approximate, and boundary lines indicative only. Reasonable efforts have been made to source information from reputable sources. We do not, however, warrant its accuracy or fitness for any purpose. Purchasers should independently verify information through a due diligence investigation if it is relevant to their decision to purchase.

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Roger Nicolson

Roger Nicolson

Rural & Lifestyle Sales Consultant