First Farm with Modern Home
122 Middleton Road, Waimahaka
Enquiries Over $2.6M
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New to the market is this north facing 132ha sheep and beef property at Waimahaka.
Two houses adorn the property, one being an older five bedroom dwelling, but the real gem is a 2014 David Reid Home with three bedrooms (master with ensuite), office, underfloor heating, open plan living and attached double garage, boasting some stunning views over the Waimahaka district.
Farm improvements include a four-stand raised board woolshed, older cattle yards, three bay super shed with concrete floor and sides, plus numerous other supporting sheds. The farm is well subdivided and fencing is of a good standard. Stock water is via natural creeks.
Of gentle rolling to medium contour with some steeper gullies, this property offers a unique opportunity to take it to the next level.
Please note: Land and floor area measurements are approximate, and boundary lines indicative only. Reasonable efforts have been made to source information from reputable sources. We do not, however, warrant its accuracy or fitness for any purpose. Purchasers should independently verify information through a due diligence investigation if it is relevant to their decision to purchase.