Dressed to Impress!

Lot 5 Whakataha Road, Waimate North

Price by Negotiation

  • Property IDKER40645
  • Property TypeLifestyle Bareland
  • PricePrice by Negotiation
  • Land Area3.09 hectares (7.64 Acres)

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Amazing bare lifestyle block designed to accommodate a fine home with all the bells and whistles that you will rarely encounter in such a highly regarded central location.

There is a near to flat volcanic soil building site with nearby mature native bush featuring some magnificent ancient Puriri trees with a clean running fresh water stream meandering down the boundary.

No power connection is currently in place but the powerlines do run down the roadside on the properties front boundary.

Covenanted to a miminum closed in floor area of 120m2 plus and a few others such as no relocatables. Cats and dogs are allowed.
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Please note: Land and floor area measurements are approximate, and boundary lines indicative only. Reasonable efforts have been made to source information from reputable sources. We do not, however, warrant its accuracy or fitness for any purpose. Purchasers should independently verify information through a due diligence investigation if it is relevant to their decision to purchase.

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Andrew Ludbrook

Andrew Ludbrook

Rural & Lifestyle Sales Consultant

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