What A Find!
West Coast Road, Springfield
Price by Negotiation
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Porters Pass - Freehold Property of 8.0937 Ha or 20 acres.
Sited up the Porters Pass Ski Road on 8.0937ha of land sits this delightful back country hut.Three hectares is leased to the Springfield Lime works (Palmers Resources) There is no income from this however they pay the rates, and they are required to return the land back to its original state when the lease expires on 18th March 2034. They have the right to extract Lime but reserves are running very low so this is being held as a back up only. They appear not to be extracting any lime from this quarry at the present time.
The remaining 5 ha of land over the road is deer fenced on 3 sides and includes the hut which is unconsented [as is where is]
The hut contains 2 sets of bunks, a small table, and a bench top. Cooking is via gas and a pot belly stove . The hut is all lined and weather proof and covered in. There is a good covered area which is all tied down securely, to handle the wind and weather.
The toilet is outside with a proper porcelain suite, just like a portaloo toilet- it does need a bucket of water to flush, just like a portaloo.
Water is collected off the roof plus there is also a small creek nearby.
For lighting, there are 2 LED lights wired to a car battery to provide lighting (the battery lasts a year] in future perhaps solar is an option - this would be weather dependant.
This property offers amazing views and skiing, great for hunting, fishing, mountain biking or just to get away from the hustle and bustle of life.
Talking with the Council, Rural Tourism could also apply for Resource Consent to build a shed 9m in height and 300m2 in total.
This opens many avenues for thought.
For Sale: Price on application.
Please note: Land and floor area measurements are approximate, and boundary lines indicative only. Reasonable efforts have been made to source information from reputable sources. We do not, however, warrant its accuracy or fitness for any purpose. Purchasers should independently verify information through a due diligence investigation if it is relevant to their decision to purchase.