A Bushy Bolthole - Bute Road
Bute Road, Mangapakeha
Price by Negotiation
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Ever wanted to get away from the madding crowd to soak up the peace and tranquillity of a native bush hideaway? Here's your chance!!
This 5.3250ha title is located on Bute Road, Mangapakeha, about 40km from Masterton off the Castlepoint Road. There's a nice stream on the southern boundary and a 4WD access track (culvert repair required) leading up to two rustic huts located on an easy north-facing ridge, soundly built and perfect for a weekend stay. You'll find the remnants of a rabbit-proof veggie garden, a few fruit trees and a long-drop toilet. The block is fenced around most of the boundary apart from a short 20m section near the stream and access is by Right of Way off the Awadale Forestry Road.
Come with your energy and a sense of 'we can make this work' to this small piece of rural paradise near Tinui and beautiful Castlepoint, just 32km away on the bountiful Wairarapa east coast. Our realistic vendor will meet the market.
For more information or an appointment to inspect, please call John Murray on 0274 933 759.
Please note: Land and floor area measurements are approximate, and boundary lines indicative only. Reasonable efforts have been made to source information from reputable sources. We do not, however, warrant its accuracy or fitness for any purpose. Purchasers should independently verify information through a due diligence investigation if it is relevant to their decision to purchase.