Location - Finishing - Irrigation



  • Property IDOAM39744
  • Property TypeFattening
  • PriceSold
  • Land Area69.11 hectares (170.78 Acres)
An attractive and well-presented 69.1147ha irrigated block situated 11km northwest of Oamaru or 7km ex Weston.
Contour is rolling with some easy country, flat tops and part steeper facings, bulk of property is cultivatable, with Timaru silt loam soils and a portion of Timaru hill soils.
Property being deer fenced is sub-divided into circa 20 paddocks including a small tree portion/yard area with history of cattle grazing including one and two year dairy heifers plus finishing.
Access is via Turfus Camp Road (two points of entrance) plus Oamaru Creek Road. Fencing is sound and property is serviced via two units ex the Oamaru, Weston Community Water Scheme, livestock water is to all main paddocks and is currently serviced via irrigation water system. Irrigation is delivered via k-line with 65 shares held in the Airedale Rosebery Irrigation Company Ltd.
Improvements consist of a solid deer complex complete with good yarding and inside pens, cattle yards with walk ramp, haybarn plus a modern lockable workshop/implement shed with three roller doors, concrete flooring (circa 12x15m).
Features of the property include its proximity to Oamaru and amenities, the option of building sites, the quality of improvements, the cultivatable ground together with irrigation and the multiple options of diversification that this property presents.
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John Sinnamon

John Sinnamon

North Otago Branch Manager

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