Cattle Grazing Contour - Reliable Rainfall Farm
304 hectares- approximately 273 hectares effective.
In 2018 this property wintered 172 R2 heifers, 238 R1 heifers, 18 R2 bulls and 7 carry over cows previously. They have wintered approximately 550 sheep.
The contour is flat to easy rolling with balance of medium hill with steeper sidlings. This Mairoa Ash property is subdivided into 110 paddocks with both electric and standard post and rail.
The water is ex bore and reticulated throughout the farm. This is a high demand rainfall area - up to 2500 mm annually.
The homestead is a generous 5 bedroom home. There is also a 4 stand wool shed and 2 bay tractor shed attached.
There is 2 hectares planted in Cyprus and 2.5 hectares planted in Blackwoods. There is ample contour for supplement making.
The rateable value as at September 2018 is $1,980,000.
Open Days: 12, 19 and 26 November 2018 - 11am-12 midday.
Please ensure your vehicle and boots are clean before entering the property. Foot bath and spraying will be on farm.