"Hauiti" Outstanding Breeding & Finishing Farm
474ha of top performing Mairoa Ash, gentle rolling contour with some steeper sidling. 433ha effective. Balance is milled pine area and native bush.
Fertiliser and attention to detail has made this one of the best producers in the district - Average over farm Olsen P = 30. pH = 5.9
Very long and strong fertiliser history. There is also a 4 bedroom mangers house. 4 stand wool shed with covered yards.
Excellent gravity fed water system to troughs throughout the farm. Very consistent rain fall area.
There a race system for easy stock movement to the back of the farm.
Hauiti has been in the Merchant family for the last 60 years. The attention to fertiliser, infrastructure and productions is second to none.
The stock performance is outstanding, it is truly a finishing farm. The property also offers the sought after recreational aspects of hunting on farm and caves to explore.
If you are after a top producing, turnkey operating, "Hauiti" is for you!
PLUS GST if any