Grazing and finishing options
West of Highway 50 has always held some mystique around being one of the best farming locations in Central Hawkes Bay and this block is in the heart of it.
The block has been farmed as a grazing and trading block running hoggets and young cattle during the winter and heavy cattle over summer.
Strong soil types, coupled with excellent fences and stock water reticulation make this an easy care block with lots of options.
The property consists of approx. 60 ha of flat land capable of growing a variety of grain or feed crops. Some of the 157ha of easy rolling tractor country could grow fodder crops for winter or summer supplements. The balance is mainly medium rolling hill.
The property is well subdivided into more than 40 paddocks and has good stock water pumped from a permanent dam but could be developed through an existing deep well on the property.
The property consists of three separate certificates of title which allows three purchase options.
Option One: 119.2235 ha (295 acres) which contains the main cattle yards and Farmquip weighing crate and auto drafter. 2012 RV $1,540,000.
Option Two: 85.3915 ha (211 acres) predominantly easy rolling hill with some croppable country. No buildings. 2012 RV $1,010,000.
Option Three: 18.9635 (46.9 acres) containing the wool shed and yards, calf rearing pens, implement sheds and hay barns. 2012 RV $290,000.
If you would like a full Information Memorandum (IM) on the property, then email me now.