Prime Irrigated Land - 33 Hectares



  • Property IDTIM40727
  • Property TypeBareland
  • PriceSold
  • Land Area33.57 hectares (82.95 Acres)
Multiple options available with this 33 hectare block, in three titles ranging from 9.7 hectares to 13 hectares with excellent building platforms. Situated between Washdyke and Temuka.
Excellent productive soils capable of producing a wide range of crops including potatoes, carrots, cereals, small and specialty seeds. With a history of dairy grazing, young stock & R2's and currently being farmed as a young stock block and winter grazing property. Predominantly deer fenced and has a substantial set of cattle yards.
Logistically well located and has reliable and cost effective irrigation water supply that could be converted to pivot irrigation. A proposed plan is available.
A great opportunity with options of continuing farming, land banking, investing and leasing or selling in separate titles.
Also available on a separate title is 8,000m2 bare land - Refer TIM40743.

Plus GST (if any)
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Please note: Land and floor area measurements are approximate, and boundary lines indicative only. Reasonable efforts have been made to source information from reputable sources. We do not, however, warrant its accuracy or fitness for any purpose. Purchasers should independently verify information through a due diligence investigation if it is relevant to their decision to purchase.

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Calvin Leen

Calvin Leen

North Otago, Mid & South Canterbury Sales Manager

Simon Richards

Simon Richards

Rural & Lifestyle Sales Consultant

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